Tuesday, January 31, 2012

the Social Network movie

It took me forever to watch The Social Network and then longer to finally post this. I don't have much for a review - it was a good movie, that's pretty much all there is to it. Not an action movie or comedy, more like a based-on-life character study, so it was informative and interesting. Not to say they may not have made some characters more unlikeable or likeable for movie-purposes, but it is an entertaining adaptation of reality.

Most (all?) of the outdoor college campus scenes where filled here at Johns Hopkins, so I had been meaning to watch it eventually (no matter how the movie did) so that I could keep on eye out for the Hopkins scenes, specifically the ones with my office building since I know they changed the exterior for a few days so it could say Harvard and the name of one of their buildings.

So this will be quick, mostly listing times in the movie that were shots of my campus. Mainly the beginning credits (that caused a re-route of my walk home one evening) and then a few other short walking scenes.

I was actually reminded to watch this because there have been spotlights and cameras off-campus this past Fall for other filming. The upcoming HBO show Veep was using Baltimore for scenes that are supposed to be Washington, DC.

Based on the version of Social Network I watched, here are the times that show Hopkins:
5:55 to 7:37, of which 6:14 was at the time of filming my walk home that got rerouted due to filming and 7:10 is the breezeway (overlooks the 'lower quad' and my building, Latrobe, can be seen)

7:22-7:34 Latrobe! (my office building/ civil engineering and mechanical engineering building) is used as the exterior of the Harvard dorms

11:27-11:36 more Latrobe!

19:28-19:53 Shaffer Hall, in the same quad as Latrobe

So that was additionally interesting for me because of the Johns Hopkins connection.